Terms & Conditions
• Minimal rental term is one month and maximum 1 year.
• Payment for the hire period must be made in advance and funds must be cleared in our bank account before the rental commences.
• Where a parking permit has to be displayed and the customer does not display it The Parking Spaces Rentals Business Limited will not be liable for any subsequent fines.
• If you park in someone else’s space and receive a subsequent fine The Parking Spaces Rentals Business Limited will not be liable to pay the fine.
• If somebody has parked in your space we are to be notified immediately. You may only park in another space notified to you by us. A time limit of up to 3 hours to be allowed before The Parking Spaces Rentals Business Limited nominate another parking space to you.
• Parking in a The Parking Spaces Rentals Business Limited space is entirely at the customer’s risk.
• If your car becomes damaged when parked in a The Parking Spaces Rentals Business Limited space we are not liable for any damage that occurs.
• All parking permits and fobs are to be collected as arranged with each contract
• A deposit of £100 is payable before a parking fob and parking permit may be collected.
• A parking permit and fob cannot be collected prior to the commencement date of rental.
• If a parking permit is not returned at the end of the contract, there will be a penalty of £35.
• If a parking fob is not returned at the end of the contract, there will be a penalty of £65.
• A booking is officially cancelled when we have approved the cancellation and received notification in writing.