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Technology reflects who we are as a collective people. Some will say it is evolving at a breakneck pace and we’re just holding on for dear life, but is that really the case? Is this immersive movement really that alien to some? We are an inherently demanding species, we want everything, and we want it now. It’s always been that way.

The only difference between the present day and 30 years ago is that we’re now able to optimize almost every aspect of our world and suit it to our insistent and unforgiving lifestyles. No one has ever looked forward to standing in a queue or waiting on a pavement, eager eyes scanning the roads for an available taxi. Is there anything more annoying than driving around in circles looking for a parking? Well, because of technology, you don’t have to anymore. The point here is that we’re now becoming increasingly able to put our ideas into action, there are finally tools to help bring our imagination to life.

It has had a pronounced effect on most industries. People have had to adapt, but adaption is another one of our characteristics and we will always find a way. The music, entertainment, hospitality and retail industries are examples of major industries that have been influenced quite severely. These sectors were impacted from the word go, but there are other types of businesses that are becoming more and more affected as technology progresses. Let’s look at how technology is changing the parking industry.


The impact technology has on parking spaces

There have been many revolutionary ideas that have emerged as of late. Take Airbnb for example. It is completely changing the way the property is rented by the consumer and let out by the owner. The power is now completely in the owner’s hands. It has cut out the middleman (agencies) completely. A similar trend has descended upon the parking industry. We at Parking Spaces Rentals have come up with a viable parking space solution for businesses in heavily populated and congested cities. How much time do you waste looking for a parking space? In urban areas, it’s a massive problem people face every day. They can spend up to an hour looking for a place to park their vehicle. Not only does this affect the individual, but it has a negative effect on their employer too:

• Employees frequently arrive late for work.
• They are flustered by the time they arrive, and this affects their productivity.
• In some cases, employees look for work elsewhere.

This is a solution to that. We make use of external property owners. It has nothing to do with the business you work for. This is a service that is built upon the opportunity that modern technology has provided. Our service is for individuals who either own a secure parking space or want to rent one and is based in the Milton Keynes area, where finding a parking space is a challenge.


How does it work?

• Start by searching online for a space near your place of work.
• Make direct contact with the owner online.
• Agree upon a rental period (between 1 and 12 months).
• Sign the rental agreement and standing order mandate.
• Collect the key and access fob.

It’s that simple. Destinations of these parking spaces vary. From underground spaces to gated areas and multi-storey car parks in and around the city. This is also an incredible way for individuals to make passive income. If you’re the owner of a space that you’re not using, it’s definitely worth considering. All the administration and logistics are taken care of and it’s completely hands off.


The future of parking spaces

In major cities across the world, companies are currently developing software that is community-based which allows individuals to download an app that notifies them of available on and off-street parking within a 500-meter radius. When a user is looking for a parking space, said user makes a request that is immediately sent to other users that are currently parked. Once the parked user accepts the request, they will then wait for the other user to arrive and take the space.

The world is ever evolving and doing so at a rapid pace thanks to technology. Instead of looking at it in a negative way, try to see how you can harness this change, and use it in a way to benefit those around you.