020 7898 3910 [email protected]

Years of rental experience and fiscal know-how position Parking Spaces Rentals as one of the best go-to companies for all your long-term parking needs. Here’s why…

Security for your new car

There’s a considerable reduction in the risk of damage to your pride and joy, whether it’s a break in or a paint-work scratch. Of course, you then also avoid the resultant costs of fixing it. A safe and secure parking spot can give you the peace of mind you need to get on with the job at hand.

Great for inter-city employees, get yourself and your company on-time to work

As a senior manager or CEO, you may swing into the office car parking spot with seconds to spare, but you may find your employees are struggling to find anywhere decent to park – and when they do, that it’s miles away from the office. If you value having your employees arrive at the office on time, then ultimately it comes down to this: time is money. Hiring a parking space from Parking Spaces Rentals will save you hours in the long run, and that’s just on the individual. There is no greater waste than that of valuable time spent trawling the city streets every morning in search of empty parking spots.

We’re a member of the British Parking Association

As a member of the largest, most established and trusted professional association representing parking and traffic management in Europe, we are directly involved in the innovation and evolution of our industry. This means the latest insights into technological and knowledge resource findings are passed on to you, our potential customer.

Without the hassle

Renting our spaces is convenient and reliable. Whether you’re avoiding the hassle of parking-metres and coins, mobile pay parking and battery or signal issues, parking spaces can be rented through us for a limited period of time that suits your needs. From one month to 12 it’s easy to get yourself a space that can more often than not be renewed at the end of your initial lease anyhow. After a small, refundable deposit of 50GBP and a quick signature on a rental agreement, with your name and address – you’re good to go!

Industry related experience with Tony Byrne

ShortStay-MK is a genuinely effective, short term, high-level apartment rental service. Where do the similarities lie (apart from the words ‘rental’)? As a chartered financial planner, I know about fiscal management, whether it’s investing it, sustaining it or growing it. This knowledge and experience is channeled into Parking Spaces Rentals benefiting my clients with value for money services and an exceptional customer experience.

Contact us today to find out how.